EMSISTI participa do SATEXPO/CABASAT em Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos

Nosso diretor executivo foi convidado a palestrar no CABSAT e SATEXPO Conference 2017 em Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos em março de 2017.
Este evento é um dos maiores da área de broadcasting, streaming, geração de conteúdos para TV, Mídias, Rádio, Músicas e satélites e telecomunicações, do mundo.
Marcelo Essado apresentou o cenário nacional do agronegócio e tecnologias de pequenos satélites para monitoramento e controle de plantações e criações, empreendedorismo, o caso de estudo sobre startups e a parceria público-privada entre outros.
Os tópicos abordados em sua palestra foram:

The Entrepreneurs and Financiers of Satellite Start-ups: Case Study –
The successful partnership between government, and small companies
for Brazilian Space Program, and its Small Satellite projects
The Brazilian first scientific nano-satellite – mission NanosatC-BR1, launched
in June of 2014, and it is still operational. It has shown the importance of the
partnership with government and small companies, how entrepreneurship and
collaboration can grow the Brazilian National Space Program, and consolidate the
industry. The presentation will highlight:
• The experience of the partnership between the Brazilian government and small
businesses for the Brazilian Space Program
• The use of small satellite businesses in Brazil for the agricultural and agro-
business sector
• The launch and operation of the first scientific brazilian nano-satellite, mission
NanosatC-BR1, and mission NanosatC-BR2 development (on board software and
ground stations)
• The development of small satellites and cubesats for educational purposes
• The entrepreneurship for young students and aerospace jobs in Brazil

E da mesa redonda:

Space & Enterprise Partnership Session:
Exploring the importance and relationship between commercial
business enterprise and space
• Challenges, technologies and opportunities for setting up space & enterprise
• Case studies of government entities and small space enterprises – examples of success
stories regionally and internationally
• Regional education and entrepreneurial opportunities in space programmes

Consulte o Programa do evento aqui.

A EMSISTI agradece seus parceiros, em particular:

> Parque Tecnológico de São José dos Campos.
> Programa NanosatC-BR, Desenvolvimento de Cubesats.
> Câmara de Comércio Árabe-Brasileira.
> Associação Aeroespacial Brasileira (AAB).


Posted in Imprensa.